At Beacon Lights, our curriculum focuses on traditional learning with emphasis on intellectual study.
We are determined that our pupils will compete on equal terms with pupils coming from the most privileged backgrounds, in an ever-competitive global community.

Our Primary curriculum sets high expectations for all pupils in both numeracy and literacy. It guides pupils in their journey through both key stage 1 & 2, culminating in preparation for the end of year 6 SATs. Our curriculum instils the confidence in pupils to succeed in all areas of schooling.
Using educational expertise and consultation, we have designed a bespoke primary curriculum for both core and foundation subjects. The primary curriculum is sequenced to equip our children to compete on equal terms with pupils from the most privileged backgrounds, in an ever- competitive global community.
As the curriculum is fully adaptable, at Beacon Lights this provides us with the flexibility to adapt the content to suit the needs of our pupils. This allows them to study a range
of subjects, giving them the best possible chance to succeed. Year 1 pupils complete phonic screening in June and Year 2 and 6 pupils sit for national SATs in May. This enables us to benchmark their performance against national key stage outcomes.
Our curriculum provides high-quality content in core subjects:
- Reading
- Phonics
- English
- Maths
And the below foundation subjects:
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Art
- Design Technology
- Computing
- PSHE/Citizenship
- Religious Education
- Arabic