Admissions Information
Applying for a place at Beacon Lights Primary & Secondary School consists of 3 stages.
Admissions Form
Registration forms must be submitted by 1st February for the September intake and by 1st November for the January intake.
Complete an Admissions Form online by clicking the button below.
Entrance Test
All students must sit an entrance examination.
A registration fee of £50.00 will be payable if your child is invited to sit an entrance test. Payment must be made on the day of the test.
A calculator will not be required, and the test will consist of a computer-based ability test and a reading-age and spelling-age written test.
The tests will be spread over the course of a morning and children will be given a break.
If your child passes the test, you and your child will be invited to attend a formal interview with the Head Teacher. The school will also need to obtain a confidential report from your child’s current/previous school.
A pupil will only be offered a place if the Head Teacher is satisfied that they have met all the entrance criteria. In order to maintain small class sizes, entry to the school is competitive and based on academic performance and interview.
Open Evenings
Open Evenings provide the perfect opportunity for parents to visit the school, speak to staff and pupils. It is strongly encouraged that prospective parents make every effort to attend this. Our Open Evening for this academic year has been postponed. If you would like information on Open Evenings or to discuss visiting the school, please contact us.