Our Fees
Fees are reviewed each year and any increase is usually decided by the Trust in May.

Fees for academic year 2024-2025 are stipulated below and are inclusive of government VAT which has been introduced from January 2025:
- Primary: £2800 per annum (inc. VAT)
- Secondary: £3200 per annum (inc. VAT and textbooks associated with each subject)
Parents are required to pay fees by Direct Debit in a single payment or ten monthly instalments from September to June. £300 from the above amount is a resource fee and is payable as a standalone payment and will be deducted from the overall amount. For other payment methods, please contact the school office.
Fees can be paid in full at the beginning of the year or in instalments by way of standing order into the school bank account, details of which can be found below and in the fees policy.
Account Name: Beacon Lights Educational Trust
Sort Code: 821107
Account No.: 00420407